La serie se puede ver a través de su canal de Youtube y uno de sus capítulos, grabado en el Dinosaur Provincial Park y en Royal Tyrrel Museum de Alberta (Canadá), lo dedica a los dinosaurios.
Puppets, Music, and Art by Billy Reid
Dinosaur Bones, Yeah!
We want to see them
Dinosaur Bones, Yeah!
Where can we see them?
Lets go out, let's find a dinosaur
I hear they are found outdoors
We'll have to look around
We'll have to look on the ground
and when we find those bones
We'll have to take them..to a museum.
It's just the right thing to do.
Dinosaur Bones, Yeah!
Find them in the museum
Dinosaur Bones, Yeah!
So the people can see them
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Para los pequeños expoliadores!
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